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Da Vinci Color 3d Printer with FFF & color inkjet Technology - http://3idea.in/da-vinci-color.php Da Vinci Color World’s First affordable Full Color 3D printer is now available on 3IdeaTechnology.It works on true color technology achieved through the combination of FFF and color inkjet printing. »» [ Link Details for Da Vinci Color 3d Printer with FFF & color inkjet Technology ] |
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Sensor E Park- Manufacturing all kinds of sensors - http://getmysensor.com "Sensor E Park is an online channel that focuses on offering authentic products that are original in quality. Founded in 2015, the company’s mission is ‘to make sensors more affordable for the average buyer’. Keeping this mission in mind, we come up with appropriate initiatives from time to time. We have customers from almost every corner of the world. With a range of investors investing in our business model, we are committed to providing a secure and reliable platform for the purchase of sensors. " »» [ Link Details for Sensor E Park- Manufacturing all kinds of sensors ] |
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Journal of Architectural Design and Construction Technology - JADCT - https://journalofarchitecture.org/ Journal of Architectural Design and Construction Technology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that distributes unique research articles and audit articles in every aspect of Architecture, Construction and Design. »» [ Link Details for Journal of Architectural Design and Construction Technology - JADCT ] |
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IoT services - http://iotservices.org/ We are a well reputed company with regards to Internet of Things Solutions and effective mobile app development. We strive to implement the smart devices to make our customer's life much easier and more interactive. We ensure that the Artificial Intelligence imbibed in the electronic products are sure to captivate you. We also have great prowess related to the development of innovative mobile apps for a plethora of domains across various platforms aswell. »» [ Link Details for IoT services ] |
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